David allen projects tasks
David allen projects tasks

david allen projects tasks

Projects are initiatives we undertake to improve our organization and move us in the direction of our chosen long-term strategy, and we typically implement these Projects over a period of weeks or months until they are eventually completed. Some methodologies refer to Projects as: Initiatives, Priorities, Big Rocks, or OKRs (Objectives + Key Results). Projects are typically things we want to create/build/document/launch/develop. “Raise $15M for a new school gymnasium by 31 December”, but the vast majority of Metrics tend to be numbers that are constantly measured and discussed as a recurring agenda item in your daily huddles and weekly team meetings. Yes, there may be occasions where we set short-term transitory Metrics or long-term Numerical Targets with a due date in the future e.g. The aim is to make sure we are "hitting our numbers" every day, every week and every month and achieving the performance thresholds we set. Once we figure out the metrics that drive "business as usual", we will likely measure these numbers every day, every week, every month - perhaps for many years (assuming our operating model continues to make strategic sense).

david allen projects tasks

Let’s call this stuff “Business As Usual”.

david allen projects tasks

Metrics measure the critical success factors that drive our operating model - the things we do every day to create leads, make sales, provide our products and services, keep customers happy, grow cash and make profits. Metrics (also called Key Performance Indicators or KPIs for short) are numbers where we want to track our actual performance vs. The aim of this article is to explain the difference between Metrics, Projects, and Tasks.


New clients are sometimes unsure about the different types of goals to create in their software dashboards.

David allen projects tasks